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Royal Arsenal medical centre will use Accurx Patient Triage from 28th March 2024

Royal Arsenal Medical Centre believes that we can offer patients a better and more efficient service if we use a Total Triage system for all requests whether it be for an appointment or any other type of request both clinical and administrative. The exceptions to this are appointments with the Practice Nurse and prescription requests.

What is Total Triage?

It means that your requests received via Accurx, both clinical and administrative will be assessed and a decision will be taken to the most appropriate course of action, for instance an appointment arranged, an investigation organised or an administrative task carried out.

What is Accurx Patient Triage?

It’s an online form that you complete to detail your request both clinical and administrative.

You will be able to find the link on the home page of our website: Royal Arsenal Medical Centre

For anyone in our patient population that is unable to use or complete an Accurx Patient Triage Royal Arsenal Medical Centre staff will be able to complete the triage form on their behalf, please contact the surgery and this will be arranged for you.

Benefits of Using Accurx Patient Triage

Saves You Time:

  • Save a trip to the surgery – your query may be resolved with a phone call, video consultation or text.

User Friendly:

  • You can access Accurx Patient Triage at home, at work, on holiday or on the move.
  • You can access it via a PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone. It is also available via the NHS App, which we strongly urge you to download to use. Please see our website for more information.
  • You complete an Accurx Patient Triage form at a pace that suits you. There are fewer questions than previous total triage systems. You can also add pictures if appropriate.
  • You can complete an Accurx Patient Triage for a child of any age, once they are registered at Royal Arsenal Medical Centre.


  • Requests for letters and sick notes
  • Advice about treatment without the need for a face-to-face appointment
  • Opportunity for you and your doctor to plan investigations before seeing a GP – meaning one appointment rather than two.
  • When you are planning a trip and want advice on travel health and vaccinations

Supports Self-Care:

  • NHS self-help advice regarding your condition is available via Accurx Patient Triage at any time.

NHS Approved and Digitally Safe:

  • Accurx is an NHS Digital approved supplier as well as being specifically an NHS Digital approved supplier for video consultations.
  • Accurx Patient Triage is compliant with NHS Data Security and Protection Toolkit.
  • Accurx is fully compliant with DCB0129, which is for manufacturers of health IT software such as Accurx, and has been assured by NHS Digital against this standard.
  • Accurx data is encrypted when it is sent and when it is stored.

Why Accurx Patient Triage is Great for the Royal Arsenal Medical Centre Team?

  • Knowing a patient’s symptoms upfront helps the practice get you the help you need from the right person.
  • Gathering information helps doctors address patient needs efficiently.
  • Admin queries get filtered direct to the team that handles them.

Why Accurx Patient Triage is Great for Our Patients?

  • Total Triage ensures that your query is directed and dealt with appropriately making this a better and more efficient experience for you.