Research practice

This practice contributes to the clinical practice research datalink.

Information in patients records is important for medical research to develop new tratments and test the safety of medicines. This practice supports medical research by sending some of the information from patient records to the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD).

CPRD is a Government organisation that provides anonymised patient data for research to improve patient and public health. Identifiable data flows to NHS Digital but you cannot be identified from the information sent to CPRD.

If you do not want anonymised information from your patient record to be used in research you can opt out by speaking to your doctor.

For more information about how your data is used visit

Current studies

Study nameBrief descriptionWho is running the study?
PRINCIPLEPlatform study designed to test a number of different treatments in people with early symptomatic COVID-19. The goal is to discover treatments which are effective in preventing worsening of symptoms and hospitalisation. Patients who are over 65 or 50-65 with certain conditions which put them at higher risk are eligible if they have had COVID-19 symptoms for less than 15 days. Patients should self enrol at the trial website www.principletrial.orgNIHR
EricaTool helping GPS catching up cancer soonerUniversity of Exeter RD&E
Imp2ARTStudy to determine whether the creation and integration of an at-risk register in primary care for patients with at-risk asthma, decreases the percentage of patients at-risk of an asthma-related crisis event over 12 months compared to control practices. The practice is currently involved in this studyUniversity College London
HepCAPPStudy to help find out how many people can be tested for Hepatitis C in this way and to estimate how many undiagnosed patients there are in the general population.University of Bristol
IDDefenseParticipants access the Immune Defence website and give consent online.
Patients were randomised to 1 of 4 treatment groups: Microgel nasal spray (Vicks First Defence) Saline nasal spray Lifestyle intervention (support for physical activity and stress management) Usual care (brief advice) and follow up over 12 months.
Southampton University
DiamondDiabetes dietary support program.Oxford University

Previous studies

(Please note that recruitment has now closed for these studies)

Study nameBrief descriptionWho is running the study?
PregCovStudy 1. Healthy women, or women with stable underlying medical conditions, 18 – 45 years of age, between 13 0/7 and 34 0/7 weeks’ gestation on the day of planned vaccination, with an uncomplicated, singleton pregnancy, and who are at no known increased risk of severe COVID-19 or obstetric complicationsSt George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Early Arthritis/CCP studyUniversity of Leeds
CANDID (CANcer Diagnosis Decision rules)Study looking to find out what symptoms and examinations are best for predicting lung and bowel cancer. People with lung or bowel symptoms will be asked to take part in this research. For a few people there may be a relationship between these symptoms and a future diagnosis of cancer. Although this is rare, the study is trying to identify which symptoms might be important and therefore assist with an earlier diagnosis and those that are less important to help avoid unnecessary referrals.University of Southampton, University of Bristol
Retirement in Action (ReAct)A programme looking at whether taking part in group physical activity sessions can help older people maintain their independence and physical ability to get around.University of Exeter University of Bath University of Birmingham
STILTS2Observational study to find out why some people gain weight easily and other stay thin or unable to gain weight even if they want to. The study aims to identify some of the genes that may contribute to thinness and find out more about how the body regulates weight. Recruitment is ongoing.University of Cambridge/ Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge
DAREUnderstanding how to prevent complications from diabetes is a major health priority, and looking at people who do not have diabetes, and its associated complications, is an effective way to identify factors that mean some people go on to develop complications and others do not. The study team wants to compile a large community database of people with diabetes in the South West region, and collect updated clinical and genetic information on their diabetes. Recruitment to this study has ended for now – but we will be following up participants to see how they are getting on.University of Exeter RD&E
PreFITTrial to compare different ways of preventing fall injuries in older people who live in the community. Recruitment ended a long time ago and paticipants are being followed up.University of Warwick
Cloudy with a chance of PainStudy using a smartphone app to link pain symptoms to weather.University of Manchester
TIME (Treatment In Morning vs Evening)Study aimed at finding out whether it is better for patients to take blood pressure lowering medicine in the morning or in the evening. Recruitment to this study has now ended.University of Dundee British Heart Foundation, British Hypertensive society
RetrainA trial of a community-based rehabilitation training programme for individuals that have had a Stroke. Recruitment to this study has now ended – but we will be following up participants to see how they are getting on.University of Exeter
MooDFOODRandomised controlled trial investigating two nutritional strategies in the prevention of depression.University of Exeter
STARTRIGHTStudy investigating whether early testing of blood samples helps to improve diabetes treatment.University of Exeter
ActiveBrainsThe aim is to help prevent problems with things like remembering, concentrating or reasoning (known as cognitive decline). The website will help older adults to make simple changes such as getting more active, playing brain training games and finding ways to eat more healthily.Southampton
HEAT (Helicobacter Eradication Aspirin Trial)Trial to find out whether a one-week course of H.pylori eradication treatment reduces hospital admissions for ulcer bleeding in patients who are taking aspirin.University of Nottingham
Coughs Complications Cohort (3Cs) StudyObservational study of cough symptoms and complications in adults. The study aimed to help doctors predict which patients with cough are likely to develop severe complications (such as pneumonia). Recruitment to this study ended in April 2013 and participants have been followed up.Universities of Southampton, Birmingham, Nottingham and Durham
Influenza A/H1N1/v (swine flu) in pregnancyObservational study following up pregnant women who had symptoms of swine flu, or were offered antiviral treatment, or were offered vaccination against A/H1N1v. The results of this study have been published in Health Technology Assessment (2010).UK Teratology Information Service (UKTIS) and Health Protection Agency (HPA)
PRIMIT (Primary Care Infection Control Website trial)Trial of an interactive website to provde tailored advice to households to help them minimise the risk of catching and spreading respiratory viruses, including pandemic flu. Recruitment to the study has now ended and participants have been followed up.University of Southampton
TARGET – Improving the targeting of antibiotics for children with respiratory illnessObservational study to develop a ‘prediction rule’ that doctors can use to help assess the risk of children with respiratory illnesses developing complications and to help doctors target the use of antibiotics in children aged 3 months to 16 years. Recruitment to the study ended in May 2013 and participants have been followed up.University of Bristol
ResistWhat are the mechanisms involved in depression and antidepressant resistance that increase cardiovascular risk?University College London